How does your business stay healthy and relevant in an increasingly competitive marketplace?

Shane Hoefer

Ensure your valuable employees are continuously learning and evolving their skills to fit the needs of your industry. Hone in on leadership dexterity to keep staff updated on advantageous techniques and competency within your field of expertise. Assisting employees with essential steps to success will ensure they are passionate and accomplished while driving organizational achievement for your company.

1 On 1 Mentorship Session with Shane Hoefer


Shane Hoefer is a trusted leader, notable for his guidance and engaging perspective on improving the blue collar industry. He is thrilled to provide mentorship to both established and emerging leaders, and hopes to help these individuals reach new heights of success and achieve goals unimaginable.

As the prosperous business owner and CEO of Rocky Mountain Forest Products, a building materials supplier with three locations across Colorado, Shane has a wealth of knowledge to share and in-depth instruction for those seeking to implement his philosophy of business. Expand your thought processes and dig deep empathetically to connect with people on a more meaningful level. Bring out the best of those who work alongside you and see them flourish. This new way of doing business will excite and encourage everyone around you. It will inspire confidence and happiness, creating a more pleasant and productive workplace for not only for your staff, but every single customer that walks through your door.


In these mentorship sessions, Shane hopes to inspire leaders to run their businesses differently. To run them in a way that gives their people a voice, a sense of accomplishment, feelings of worthy contribution, and in a way that has heart and makes their people feel valued. Shane wants to bring the human element back to business, and is eager to provide you and your own company with the tools necessary to do so.

The results of Shane’s ethos implemented in the blue collar workspace speak for themselves. With so much success in such a minimal amount of time, this ideology is certainly worthy of consideration. Allow Shane to help you get from where you are now to where you hope to be with a few small changes along the way. He will work closely with you to further develop the skills needed for success, uncover the importance of a people-first culture approach, and offer his two cents on how to improve overall operations for your company to stay healthy, relevant, and differentiated in a rapidly changing industry.


In every aspect of the professional workplace, it’s always beneficial to stay ahead of the game. More than ever, blue collar companies are seeking guidance from top industry leaders to help steer their operations in the right direction for the future. A mentorship session with Shane can introduce new and challenging development opportunities, inspire confidence in industry leaders and employees to perform at their highest potential, and coach individuals to dream big while providing steps on how to successfully achieve those goals along the way.

Contact Shane today to schedule a mentorship session with this industry thought- leader. Now booking clients for the 2021-2022 season.

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